EPR labelling requirements
Modint will organize a physical meeting( no online access) on the practical implementation of all kinds of extended producer responsibility (EPR) labelling requirements.
We received a lot of questions last months on how to comply with EPR labelling requirements such as TRIMAN logo and sorting info, new upcoming EPR packaging legislation.
On the agenda
- EPR textiles The Netherlands
- EPR textiles and packaging France
- EPR packaging Bulgaria
- EPR packaging Italy
- EPR packaging Germany
- Samples of compliant textiles and packaging
- EPR in other EU countries and outside EU
There is limited space for participants. The room has a capacity of no more then 20 people. There are still some 14 places free. The purpose of the meeting not only to give an introduction from Modint but more over that companies help each other as well with practical tips how to handle these new labelling obligations
In case needed, Modint will select who should participate, max one person representing a company.
- Free for Modint Purchasing and Production members
- Modint Members € 75,-
- Price others: € 195,-
3708 AG Zeist