Newsletter Buying & Production nr. 10, 2022
- Modint webinar sourcing: opportunities in the Balkans - December 9th
- Van niche naar norm: Hoe maak je impact met data uit je textiel keten? - 17 november
- SER webinar Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive – CSRD - November 17th
- Developments labelling obligations environmental characteristics France: update October 2022
- New Report — Fashion’s New Ecosystem
- Compensatieregelingen Brexit Adjustment Reserve (BAR)
- What China’s 20th National Congress Means for Fashion
- Nieuwe Europese richtlijn moet producten met dwangarbeid weren van Europese markt
MODINT webinar sourcing: opportunities in the Balkans - December 9th
MODINT will organize a webinar on sourcing and production potential in three Balkan countries: North Macedonia, Kosovo, and Albania.
In recent months MODINT gets more and more questions on alternatives in nearby sourcing. Production in Turkey is becoming expensive and supply chain problems in China cause buyers to look for alternative production countries nearby European Union. The webinar will be moderated by Antonio F. Barberi Ettaro. From each country a Dutch textile company or a local expert will share their experience in these countries. We cooperate as well with Mr. Alfred Schönbeck, garment Engineer and Consultant with an experience of working in the textile sector in Macedonia and Kosovo as well as Mr. Arno Scheidmann, owner of Karma Bella Bv , operating in North Macedonia. More information and registration>>
Van niche naar norm: Hoe maak je impact met data uit je textiel keten?
We zien onze leden het liefst live, maar online kan ook: MODINT organiseert op 17 november a.s. van 9.30 tot 14.00u een “Powered by CLICKNL bijeenkomst” met als onderwerp due diligence en de tools die nodig zijn om de juiste data te managen. Data die nodig zijn om een textielketen te verduurzamen. Je gaat leren hoe dit in de foodketen werkt, je kijkt mee met een onderzoek naar de waarde van technologie en data in duurzaamheid en wordt bijgepraat over de eisen die wetgeving aan je bedrijf gaat stellen. De bijeenkomst is gratis. Meer informatie en registratie>>
SER webinar Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive – CSRD 17/11/22
Information and registration>>
Developments labelling obligations environmental characteristics France: update October 2022
France Environmental Code: Obligations environmental characteristics
Below the requirements as they have been laid out by the French law:
Environmental characteristics requirements will come into force progressively by 2023 and 2025, according to below schedule. Products concerned: Furniture items as well as upholstered seat or bedding products, textile decorative items, new clothing textile products, shoes or household linen intended for private individual, new textile products for the home, excluding those which are furnishing elements or intended to protect or decorate items of furniture. Read more>>
New Report — Fashion’s New Ecosystem
Read the report>>
Compensatieregelingen Brexit Adjustment Reserve (BAR)
Er is goed nieuws. Per 1 november 2022 kunnen ondernemers die in de handel met het Verenigd Koninkrijk schade hebben ondervonden van de Brexit compensatie aanvragen voor de aanpassingskosten die zijn gemaakt of nog gemaakt worden. Het gaat daarbij niet om omzetverlies, maar om kosten zoals ICT-aanpassingen, tijdelijke inhuur van extra transportmaterieel, opleidingen en extern advies. Om voor de compensatie in aanmerking te komen moet de ondernemer onder andere kunnen aantonen dat de kosten nodig waren. Met een online Regelhulp krijgt de ondernemer inzicht of men in aanmerking komt en voor welke regeling. Let op: het gaat om 2 regelingen met verschillende sluitingsdata. De tegemoetkoming voor nog te maken kosten sluit al op 13 december 2022 om 17.00 uur. De tegemoetkoming voor gemaakte kosten op 31 maart 2023 om 17.00 uur.Ondernemers kunnen trouwens nog steeds gebruikmaken van het EU-Handelsprogramma.
Nadere informatie is verkrijgbaar bij Antonio F. Barberi Ettaro.
Klik hier voor meer informatie aan.
What China’s 20th National Congress Means for Fashion
- A spike in Chinese consumer sentiment now looks as unlikely as a sudden influx of Chinese tourists to the shopping hubs of Europe, North America and Asia.
- Xi’s renewed commitment to common prosperity could signal increased demand for discreet, rather than ostentatious, types of luxury goods consumption.
- Western brands will continue to be caught in the crossfire as tensions between Beijing and Washington continue or intensify over many long-running disputes.
In markets that are especially opaque, business leaders glean insights from wherever they can. When the market in question is China, a one-party state and the world’s second-largest economy, fashion executives would be wise to listen carefully as the government puts forward its vision for the next five years — even if it is delivered at a ceremony peppered with unfamiliar choreography and ambiguous metaphors. The National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party not only sets the tone for the CCP’s policies and defines its key personnel, but also shapes China’s economic outlook and the market environment in which companies operate. The 20th edition of the event ran from October 16 to 22 and saw around 2,300 delegates flock to Beijing’s Great Hall of the People.All eyes were on president and general secretary Xi Jinping, who as expected secured a precedent-breaking third term, highlighting his consolidation of power across the CCP’s top echelons. During the week, other key officials were elected to the party’s central committee, politburo and elite standing committee, the most powerful decision-making body in the mainland.Though much of the congress was held behind closed doors, Xi’s opening speech did shed some light on Beijing’s plans for the coming years including its zero-Covid policy, geopolitical relations with the US, Taiwan and Hong Kong, international trade, issues shaping the national culture and regulatory crackdowns looming over the tech and property industries. All these factors have a direct or indirect impact on the future complexion of the Chinese fashion market, which remains the largest in the world. Read more (you may need a login to read the article).
Nieuwe Europese richtlijn moet producten met dwangarbeid weren van Europese markt / redactie – SER 09/11/22
In september 2022 heeft de Europese Commissie een concept richtlijn voorgesteld om producten die met dwangarbeid zijn gemaakt op de EU-markt te verbieden. Ben je benieuwd wat deze richtlijn inhoudt? En wat het voor jouw bedrijf zou kunnen betekenen? Dit artikel geeft antwoord op een aantal veel gestelde vragen. Lees meer>>