
Newsletter Buying & Production nr. 1, 2023

Modint diensten en producten

Ook in 2023 is Modint de partner voor u. Vanuit de MODINT module Inkoop en Productie ontvangt u regelmatig diverse updates en deze nieuwsbrief. Hieronder een overzicht van de updates die wij regelmatig versturen vanuit de verschillende invalshoeken:

Trade policy & customs
•    Trade Policy & Customs 

•    China & South East Asia 
•    Indian Sub continent (India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka)
•    Bangladesh
•    Euro Mediterranean zone (Europa, Turkije, Noord Afrika)
•    Africa (Zuid-Afrika, Ethiopië, Ghana, Zimbabwe etc.)
•    Wages & Salaries
•    Raw Materials (prijsontwikkelingen en statistische informatie betreffende diverse vezels)

•    Quality & Sizing 

Safety & Compliance
•     RSL & REACH (concrete informatie over hoe deze wetgeving te implementeren in uw bedrijf en richting uw leveranciers en afnemers)
•    Recalls Adults (including footwear ) / Recall Children (including soft toys) (een bijna tweewekelijks overzicht van producten die van de markt zijn teruggehaald (EU, USA, Canada, Australië), onderwerpen zijn vaak mechanische veiligheid en chemische veiligheidsaspecten, met name relevant voor bedrijven met collectie kinderkleding en mogelijk speelgoed items


•   Relevante informatie over labelling (ook internationaal) 

•    Corporate Responsibility (al het relevante nieuws verzameld)

Het belangrijkste nieuws bestemt voor de specifieke updates wordt zo snel mogelijk verstuurd naar alle aangemelde e-mailadressen van de bedrijven en de nieuwsbrief verschijnt indien er voldoende relevante informatie voor handen is. U kunt, afhankelijk van uw contract met MODINT, alle voor u relevante updates ontvangen. Daarnaast zullen we u op de hoogte houden van de ontwikkelingen omtrent UPV, EPR en nationale en internationale wetgeving. Verder heeft het Inkoop & Productie team diverse meetings in de planning. Een aantal data zijn al bekend. Meer informatie hierover kunt u vinden in onze agenda.

We zijn altijd bezig onze producten te verbeteren. Een daarvan is de Raw Materials Update. Deze willen we anders gaan opzetten en/of uitbreiden. Hier zijn we mee bezig en zullen later hier meer over kunnen vertellen. Terugkoppeling over wat jullie wensen zijn, horen we altijd graag. We hebben als team intensief contact met onze leden maar waarderen het enorm om van jullie feedback te krijgen zodat we iedereen een nog betere sevice kunnen bieden. Afgelopen zomer zijn Aisha Talacua en Arno Weel aan onze ‘vaste kern’ toegevoegd bestaande uit Miriam Geelhoed en Antonio Barberi Ettaro.


  • Sourcing event Jordan February 2023
  • Introducing the UK new responsible sourcing show 12-14 February London

Safety & Compliance

  • How to conduct toy safety assessment
  • Bureau Veritas: New delivery address for the laboratory in Schwerin, Germany
  • Urgent Safety Alert issued for baby self-feeding products
  • France: legislation on mineral oils in ink (MOAH/MOHS) used in packaging and printing


  • Italy environmental EPR labelling - One QR code for various label contents
  • Diverse modemerken richten collectief systeem voor Spaanse UPV Textiel op 


  • Mango publishes list of tier 3 fabric and fittings suppliers 
  • Better Cotton Open for Business in Uzbekistan
  • WRAP Lead Auditor training course 2023


  • Minister akkoord met wijzigingen Brexit Adjustment Reserve (BAR) Bedrijfslevenregeling

Sourcing event Jordan February 2023
The Centre for the for the Promotion of Imports from developing counties (CBI) is organizing a sourcing event for buyers active in: workwear, corporate wear, shirts light wovens, knits and hosiery (socks, panties, underwear, shape wear etc.) from Friday 17 till Wednesday 22 of Februari 2023. The Jordan manufacturers that are participating are small and medium sized companies located in and around Amman. Forward in Fashion represented by Serge Léon and Giovanni Beatrice will organize the visits and planning. Airline ticket and local transport will be compensated by CBI. All other cost such as hotel, food and airport transfer shall be on account of the Modint member.

Please note that a stay of 2 days is advised. Total trip will take 4 days. Number of buyers will be limited. If you are interested please contact Antonio Barberi Ettaro by the 3rd of February 2023 at the latest.

Introducing the UK new responsible sourcing show 
In just under a month, Source Fashion arrives at London Olympia, putting responsible and sustainable sourcing at the fingertips of the European fashion community.The show is uniting over 170 responsible contract manufacturers and fabric suppliers from over 20 countries, covering both womenswear and menswear, all looking to develop new relationships with European customers.Boohoo feature in an exciting line-up of industry professionals and experts discussing sustainable fashion on the catwalk, as they discuss the latest trends and topics in responsible and sustainable fashion. Read more>>

Safety & Compliance
How to conduct toy safety assessment
Joy and fun should be the only by-products when playing with toys. What should be a happy occasion shouldn’t result in injuries to children. With that thought in mind, there are standards in place worldwide to mitigate risks and hazards from toys. In this article, we will explore how to conduct a toy safety assessment under European Directive 2009/48/EC (also known as the Toy Safety Directive). Read more>>

Bureau Veritas: New delivery address for the laboratory in Schwerin, Germany
Please note our new delivery address for samples to be tested in our laboratory in Schwerin. 

Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Services Germany GmbH
Mettenheimerstraße 12/14
19061 Schwerin

Urgent Safety Alert issued for baby self-feeding products
Baby Self-feeding products present a risk of serious harm or death from choking or aspiration pneumonia.The Office for Product Safety and Standards has issued an Urgent Safety Alert for baby self-feeding products and is urging the public to stop using them immediately and dispose of them safely, writes the government of the United Kingdom. Read more>>

France: legislation on mineral oils in ink (MOAH/MOHS) used in packaging and printing
The French Ministry of Ecological Transition released new regulation applied only in France which is mineral oils in ink used in packaging and printing to be handed over to customer are prohibited from Jan. 2023. Please find attached more detailed information on this new legislation.
Modint will have a meeting with German Fashion on this issue with the aim of including these requirements in a specific Packaging restricted substances list. This RSL for packaging will be developed by MODINT in Q1 2023. More information: Antonio Barberi Ettaro.

Italy environmental EPR labelling - One QR code for various label contents
MODINT has been answering quite some question on the new Italian EPR environmental labelling legislation in force as of 1.1.2023. Many companies have asked us for the specific guidance on what should be mentioned on the packaging (including hangtags) and what could be communicated by brands to consumers by digital means. MODINT has been in contact with BENETTON on this subject and with their support we have received new updated guidance on how and when to make use of QR codes for various label contents. Please click here and here to read more. More information: Aisha Talacua.

Diverse modemerken richten collectief systeem voor Spaanse UPV Textiel op 
In Spanje is er een collectief systeem opgericht onder de naam ‘Vereniging voor het beheer van textielafval’ om het makkelijker te maken aan de Spaanse UPV Textiel te voldoen. Decathlon, H&M, Ikea, Inditex, Kiabi, Mango en Tendam bundelen hun krachten om via het collectief aan de nieuwe regels te voldoen, dat blijkt uit het Spaanse persbericht van de vereniging, schrijft FashionUnited. Lees meer>>

Mango publishes list of tier 3 fabric and fittings suppliers 
The Catalan fashion company is committed to transparency in its supply chain. After having released over the last two years the list of its tier 1 and 2 suppliers (related to manufacturing and finishing, and processing, respectively), Mango is meeting its target set at the end of 2021 and has published the complete list of its tier 3 suppliers of fabrics and fittings, writes Fashion Network. Read more>>

Better Cotton Open for Business in Uzbekistan
It’s another vote of confidence for the formerly blacklisted country, which the sustainable cotton nonprofit said has “come a long way” from its state-sanctioned use of child and forced labor to harvest the fiber. Years of campaigning, plus a decade-plus-long freeze-out by brands and retailers, have triggered extensive government-led labor reforms in the world’s sixth-largest cotton producer. In March, the International Labor Organization declared Uzbek cotton “free” of forced and child labor. The same month, the global coalition known as the Cotton Campaign called off its boycott. The Central Asian nation, it said, has demonstrated that it is able to harvest cotton “almost entirely” without coercion, reports Sourcing Journal (notice you may need a login to read the complete article).

WRAP Lead Auditor training course 2023
MODINT has been approached by WRAP about the training course they provide for AMFI students. This year it is more of an introduction to auditing.
Free seats are available. It's a whole week and intensive. It is expected that people will participate the whole week. This is quite an unique opportunity because it is normally only done for auditors. The course is given in English. More information available at Antonio Barberi Ettaro.

Minister akkoord met wijzigingen Brexit Adjustment Reserve (BAR) Bedrijfslevenregeling
De minister van EZK is akkoord gegaan met de wijzigingen waardoor ondernemers minder bijlagen hoeven in te dienen en het vaststellingsverzoek voor de Tegemoetkoming nog te maken kosten is verschoven naar 15 augustus 2023. Op de valreep hebben nog 16 ondernemers een aanvraag ingediend voor de Tegemoetkoming nog te maken kosten. Lees hier het persbericht van RVO hierover. De Tegemoetkoming gemaakte kosten is nog tot en met 31 maart 2023 17.00 uur geopend. MODINT heeft eerder bericht over BAR regeling. De regeling is zeker niet uitgeput en er is naar onze indruk weinig animo voor deze regeling in onze sectoren. Meer informatie: Antonio Barberi Ettaro.