
Newsletter Buying & Production nr. 10, 2023

Safety & compliancy

  • Sheets bijeenkomst 23 november 2023 inzake GPSR
  • ‘Webwinkels massaal in de fout met contactgegevens’ 
  • U.S.: Final Rule for 16 CFR 1610- Flammability of Clothing Textiles published by the CPSC
  • Bureau Veritas testen en inspecties


  • Sourcing: Produktionskosten steigen weiter signifikant
  • Country sourcing report Bangladesh, Cambodia China, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Philippines, Thailand, Turkey, Vietnam, Central America 


  • Turkey market access barriers on textiles


  • Call for participation in research on sourcing and gender diversity
  • YKK eliminates key barrier to textile-to-textile recycling

Safety & compliancy
Sheets bijeenkomst 23 november 2023 inzake GPSR
Op 13 november 2023 heeft een bijeenkomst plaats gevonden met het ministerie van VWS en het ministerie van EZK over de General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR) die vanaf 13 november 2024 van toepassing zal zijn. De GPSR is op Europees niveau op 10 mei van dit jaar gepubliceerd en op 30 mei in werking getreden. Omdat de GPSR vanaf 13 december 2024 van toepassing zal zijn, konden ook MODINT leden digitaal participeren in deze meeting. Vele bedrijven hebben dit gedaan en zijn geïnformeerd over wat er gaat veranderen en waaraan bedrijven zullen moeten voldoen. Klik hier voor de sheets van de meeting. MODINT heeft onderstaande punten naar voren gebracht:

  1. Duitsland heeft in heeft als enige EU land staan in de wetgeving dat een emailadres moet worden toegevoegd. Andere landen spreken over een electronisch adres. Er is geen duidelijke definitie van een electronisch adres. In Nederland kan wordne volstaan met een webadres waarbij zeer makkelijk contact kan worden gelegd via een contactformulier of iets dergelijks
  2. MODINT: in de vergadering werd gesteld dat bij een licentiehouder en licentieafnemer in de EU, een volledig adres weer gegeven moet worden van de importeur. Op onze vraag of er landen zijn die meer dan 1 adres verlangen zou men nog terug komen aangezien anderen deze vraag ook hadden gesteld maar er nog geen duidelijk antwoord op is. We kennen de case van Roemenië waar wel twee adressen worden verlangd 
  3. Naast adres en elektronisch adres is een batch of serie nummer voortaan ook vereist:

    Manufacturers shall ensure that their products bear a type, batch or serial number or other element eneabling the identification of the product an which is easily visible and legible for consumers, or, where the size or nature of the product doen not allow it, that the required information is provided on the packaging or in a document accompanying the product.

    Hopelijk komt er meer duidelijkheid in de guidelines over het format en de vereisten aan de assessment. Daar moeten guidelines meer duidelijkheid over geven. Het is nog niet bekend wanneer guidelines gepubliceerd gaan worden.

    Before placing their products on the market, manufacturers shall carry out an internal risk analysis and draw up tehcnical documentation containing at least a general description of the product and its essential characteristics relevant for assessing its safety.
    Where appropriate with regard to possible risks related to the product, the technical documentation referred to in the first subparagraph shall also contain, as applicable:
    (a) an analysis of the possible risks related to the product and the solutions adopted to eliminate or mitigate such risks, including the outcome of any reports related to tests conducted by the manufacturer or by another party on their behalf.

‘Webwinkels massaal in de fout met contactgegevens’ 
Webwinkels overtreden massaal de regels door niet alle vereiste contactgegevens (goed vindbaar) op hun site te vermelden. Dat concludeert de Consumentenbond, die de websites van de 100 grootste webshops in Nederland en 31 energiebedrijven onderzocht. Sinds mei 2022 zijn bedrijven verplicht om een e-mailadres én een telefoonnummer voor klanten op een logische en goed vindbare plek op hun website te vermelden. Slechts 37 van de 100 onderzochte webwinkels doen dat, schrijft Emerce. Lees meer>>

U.S.: Final Rule for 16 CFR 1610- Flammability of Clothing Textiles published by the CPSC 
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) published in the Federal Register the final rule (FR) 16 CFR 1610, revising the Standard for the Flammability of Clothing Textiles on October 25, 2023. The final rule adopts the amendments proposed in the NPR (published September 14, 2022,) with only minor modifications, reports Intertek. Read more>>

Bureau Veritas testen en inspecties
Als Modint lid ontvang je tot wel 50% korting op testen en inspecties bij Bureau Veritas. Op onze website vind je ook een prijslijst en laten we zien hoe alles precies in zijn werk gaat. Klik hier voor meer informatie.

Sourcing: Produktionskosten stijgen sinificant verder
Klik hier voor de pdf met de stijgende productiekosten van sourcinglanden.

Country sourcing report Bangladesh, Cambodia China, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Philippines, Thailand, Turkey, Vietnam, Central America 
In this turbulent and uncertain world, governments and companies alike must maintain an innovative and growth mindset in order to hedge against the next big disruptions to the global economy and the global supply chains. Read in this report of Fung Business Intelligence on these sourcing countries and the developments. Read more>>

Turkey market access barriers on textiles
MODINT has  become aware of a matter concerning imports of textiles in Turkey. More information & actions here below.

A new Turkish Presidential Decree (No. 7709) increases additional customs duty rates imposed in Turkey on both raw materials (cotton) and final products in the textile industry. The tariffs apply to GSP-related imports from the following entities, among others: the European Union (EU), the United States, Japan, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Norway, Switzerland, the Russian Federation and Belarus. The targeted products range from raw cotton imports to finished apparel under chapters 51 through 63 of the Harmonized Customs Code System (HS). The resulting financial burden from the presidential decree alone will be between 8% and 39%. However, there may be legislative interaction with other arrangements in place resulting in higher final duties imposed on the products in question. The Decree (and tariffs) will apply as of 15th November 2023. The Presidential Decree is exclusively founded on internal legislation and makes no reference to any international treaties.

1.-Additional Customs Duty (IGV) (İlave Gümrük Vergisi)
In 2011, Turkish authorities announced several measures regarding the introduction in the country of an Additional Customs Duty (IGV), following a safeguard investigation triggered by Turkish textile firms. In the Turkish Official Gazette Nº 28055 of September 15, 2011 (PDF IGV 2011_2203 Karar, IGV 2011_2203 Karar Ek1 and IGV 2011_2203 Karar Ek2), an Additional Customs Duty was imposed for woven fabrics and apparel (HS Codes from 50 to 62). This Additional Customs Duty, for apparel was imposed in a 30%. This measure affects importation in Turkey of goods made in third countries, as China, Bangladesh, Cambodia, etc. In a decision dated June 1, 2012, Turkish authorities confirmed that this Additional Customs Duty do not apply to goods originating in the Pan-Euro-Mediterranean area (European Union, EFTA countries and those countries with whom Turkey has preferential trade agreements). This includes Morocco for those articles that can be proven as preferential. On May 30, 2015, measures were revised but with no important changes, maintaining the ad valorem rates at same level and changing only minimum and maximum amounts for GSP beneficiary countries. In a publication in Turkish Official Gazette on October 16, 2023 (PDF 20231016-6), Turkish authorities announced an increase in the Additional Customs Duty applied for textile products. This change will be implemented on November 15, 2023 and change as follows. 

2.-Additional Financial Obligation (EMY) 
After this Additional Customs Duty implemented in 2011 and that will be changed in 15/11/2023, Turkish authorities implemented in 2017 and 2018 (PDF EMY 2017_10926 Karar and EMY 2018_11799 Karar), new duties, Additional Financial Obligation (EMY). This measure affects mainly to GSP countries (Generalized System of Preferences, mainly countries less developed). For Pakistan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Sri Lanka and Myanmar, this Additional Financial Obligation is 12%; meanwhile for Vietnam and India is 2.4%. This measure has not changed since their implementation in 2017 and 2018.

3.-ITKIB reference prices 
In addition to those measures, ITKIB (Istanbul Textile and Apparel Exporter Association) is increasing the Customs value on transactions. This increase is based in reference prices calculated for ITKIB depending on HS Code and country of origin. They determine what would be the price of an article with a certain HS Code and origin and, if the price in the importation invoice is lower, they automatically assign that reference price, and all the duties and taxes are calculated over this increased base. ITKIB reference prices are not published. This practice applies to textiles, shoes, leather, etc. Since there is not a public list of reference prices, only approximate calculations can be made as of the impact of this increase. Some companies have calculated that, after the ITKIB increase, the base for calculating duties and taxes is 5% higher than invoices. MODINT participated in a quick call on Thursday, 2nd November at 9:00 to better explain the matter & discuss.

Call for participation in research on sourcing and gender diversity
Gender equality is recognized as a fundamental human right and needs to be incorporated Due Diligence practices. Deeper insight is crucial for progress, therefor we would like to draw your attention to below research request.
We invite you to participate in this research project by taking part in our survey.  The research focuses on providing a better understanding of sourcing practices and gender diversity in both Textile and Food and Beverages sectors, which your company can also benefit from, as your answers will result in a score that will allow for a comparison to your industry peers. Please note we will share with you your score and the average score of the industry your company is inserted in, only after the conclusion of our projects.   For this study we are working alongside SheSupplies, which focuses on supporting organizations to develop and implement sourcing and procurement policies that promote gender equality, diversion and inclusion in global supply chains, you can find more information on their website.

Follow this link to the Survey: 

Lastly, we would like to thank you for your help and time and if there is anything you would like to clarify, feel free to contact: and/or

YKK eliminates key barrier to textile-to-textile recycling
Last week the company launched DynaPel, a water-repellant zipper featuring Green Theme Technologies’ Empel solution. Designed to be compatible with garment recycling systems, DynaPel uses Empel instead of the standard PU film to achieve its water repellency. By eliminating the PU film, YKK removes one barrier of textile-to-textile recycling of performance apparel, writes Sourcing Journal. Read more (notice you may need a login to read the complete article).

The recent unveiling of YKK Corporation's innovative product, DynaPel, marks a significant advancement in promoting circularity within the textile industry. This water-repellant zipper, incorporating Green Theme Technologies' Empel solution, addresses a critical barrier in textile-to-textile recycling. Unlike standard water-repellent zippers that use polyurethane (PU) film, DynaPel utilizes Empel to achieve water repellency, eliminating the need for the problematic PU film. The absence of PU film in DynaPel is a strategic move by YKK to facilitate the recycling of performance apparel. Traditional chemical and mechanical garment recycling systems face challenges in processing PU film, commonly found on water-repellent zippers. As a result, recyclers are often deterred from accepting garments with PU zippers, contributing to unnecessary waste. DynaPel's design aims to streamline the recycling process by removing this barrier.

Notably, Empel technology employed in DynaPel adopts advanced green chemistry without per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). This move aligns with YKK's commitment to sustainability, as recent testing revealed the presence of PFAS in some of the company's waterproof products.DynaPel joins YKK's expanding portfolio of sustainable solutions, as highlighted in the company's 2022 sustainability report. The report indicates a 14 percent increase from the previous year, with 26 percent of textiles in YKK's fastening products now incorporating recycled, plant-derived, and other sustainable materials. YKK's Natulon, a recycled zipper series, has experienced a remarkable 176 percent year-on-year increase in unit sales. The company plans to significantly expand its Natulon Plus zipper line, characterized by a high ratio of recycled materials, in response to growing demand. YKK aims to boost the proportion of products utilizing sustainable materials by 41 percent in fiscal 2023.

In addition to product innovations, YKK's sustainability initiatives extend to waste reduction and responsible resource management. The company successfully reduced landfill waste by 525 tons, surpassing its target year to achieve a 90 percent waste resource conversion rate, now set for 2025. YKK also achieved a substantial reduction in water intake by 1.3 million tons compared to the FY2018 baseline. Further, the company enhanced chemical management by adopting the Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals (ZDHC) Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (MRSL) for manufacturing processes.